$10 Fandango Promo Code (valid toward 1 admission to any movie) Free w/ $10+ McDonald's Purchase (in restaurant or via app; receipt upload required)

Get a $10 Fandango Promo Code valid toward 1 admission to any movie for free with a $10+ McDonald's Purchase. Offer valid in restaurant or via app; receipt upload required. Thumb Score: +19. Spend $10 or more in one transaction at a participating McDonald's location or on the McDonald's mobile app, in the U.S. between 1/26/25 - 2/9/25. Retain your itemized receipt. Take a photo of your entire printed itemized receipt showing the qualifying purchase, or in-app purchases take a screenshot of your emailed digital Order Receipt. Enter your information and submit the image by 2/9/25.
about 1 month ago