Select Walgreens Stores: Skittles & M&M's Movie Theater Box Candy 4 for $1.80 + Free Store Pickup ($10 Min.)

Walgreens has select Movie Theater Box candy on sale at 4 for $4 when you add a quantity of 4 to your cart, clip $1 off 2 coupon to get to 4/$2 (12 max of each). Select free store pickup where stock permits (minimum $10 order required to qualify for pickup). To get free shipping you need $35 after coupons, you can add 6 bags of the KitKats that are 2/$5 to get above $35. Otherwise $5.99 for shipping. WAG10 works for an additional 10% off, but only on the box candy not on the KitKat.
5 months ago